
Showing posts from November, 2014

Tunnels - The light at the end and the darkness within

Even as I sit down to write I'm not sure what I want to say.  I've gone back and forth about how I want to describe my life over the past few weeks and what angle I want to show.  This blog is about living your life every day and finding the connections to the gospel and spiritual things but I've really struggled putting my thoughts together on this one.  In part it's because I'm still in the middle of the things I'll describe later and I don't have a happy ending a wrapped up in a neat little moral-of-the-story, but it's also because I'm not sure how much of what's happened I'm ready to share with the Internet.  So I'm just going to start writing and we'll see where this thing goes. Let's rewind the tape to a couple of weeks ago.  It was a day like most others, only this one somehow turned out different.  It started like most other days-wake up, eat breakfast with my daughter, watch cartoons while getting ready for work/school.