
Showing posts from 2017

Forget what you know

Software development is a field of constant change.  Just because you know how to do something one day doesn't mean that way will always work, or that there won't ever be a better way. So, go ahead.  Throw it all out.  Toss aside everything you think you know.  Well, maybe not all of it.  Just the pieces that are holding you back and preventing you from learning new things. We sometimes get stuck in doing something that works just because it works and that's the way it's always been done.  I recently saw a comic depicting a teenage girl stranded on a desert island and in the caption she lamented that she was never going to get off the island because she ran out of rocks before she could complete a message of distress on the beach.  She stared, distraught, at the incomplete message at her feet:  #HEL. It was good for a laugh, but it also illustrates something that happens to all of us.  This poor girl had been taught by example and experience that printed communicat